How To Include God In Your Morning Routine
Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s time for your morning praise break! A vital part of the Christian journey is spending time with the Lord. Therefore, a schedule that includes God in your morning routine is invaluable. Constant communion with Christ develops your relationship with him and can help enhance your life. (John 15:1-5)
We can spiritually remain in God by making time for him each day. However, the average employee who must be at work by 8:00 AM does not necessarily have time for a lengthy morning schedule; this is where we have to be creative. Nevertheless, spending time with God daily is possible if you make a few adjustments.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.
John 15:5
Finding time to include God in your morning
Many people feel as though they don’t have enough time in the morning to do anything other than get up, get dressed, and get out the door. To find more time, you have to use it wisely. That starts the night before. Unfortunately, this means you may have to commit to a new bedtime, and sleeping in must become a thing of the past.
You must decide on your goals and priorities to open up a tight schedule. What are you hoping to accomplish each morning? For some, a well-rounded morning routine includes honoring God with their mind and body, so both quiet time and a workout.
Below is an example of an AM schedule for someone with a 15-minute commute whose workday begins at 8 AM. Getting up at 5 AM may seem challenging, but trust me, like most things, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
Morning Sample Schedule
5:00 Wake Up
5:30 Quiet Time
6:00 Exercise
6:30 Prep for the Day
7:30 Leave for work
It’s also good to consider what you’re going to do during your quiet time; a routine of prayer, studying the Word, meditating on scripture, and journaling may be helpful. Remember that your program doesn’t have to be lengthy; do whatever your time permits.
Tips That Work For Everyone
Plan your time so you can get the most out of it. It’s’ about quality, not quantity. Here are some additional tips to help you add God to your morning routine:
- Cut corners! Instead of driving to the gym, exercise at home.
- Plan the night before. Spend a few minutes each night preparing for the next day. Decide on the scriptures you plan to study, fix your lunch, or lay out your exercise gear for the morning.
- Skip the electronics. Many people check their social media or cut on the TV as soon as they get up. Unfortunately, this can be a big distraction. Save TV and phone time until after you’ve finished your quiet time.
Related: The Importance Of Morning Quiet Time With God
Making God the Priority
Making the Lord a part of your morning ritual helps you set the tone for the day and is a great way to grow your faith. So get up earlier and be consistent. Make your quiet time a priority. Let God corral your focus and control your day instead of external forces. We all make allowances for what we value. What’s more important than your relationship with Christ?