The Power of Consistency In Christian Living


A co-worker described himself as a chameleon, fond of the idea that he could blend in whenever he pleased. I found that quite disheartening, for his surroundings imprisoned him. Instead of being free, he was a slave to others’ opinions of him. As a result, he was unable to be himself. At times, like a chameleon, even Christians lack consistency. Fortunately for us, God is not a chameleon. He remains constant. He doesn’t change his mind about us regardless of what we do. In this post, we will examine the impact of consistency on Christian living.

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace.

1 Corinthians 14:33

Why is consistency important in Christian living?

A chameleon is best known for its color-changing abilities. Because of this, they can quickly alter their appearance in response to temperature, environment, and mood. Some people are like chameleons. Their speech caters to what people want to hear and not the truth. Remaining consistent in our faith should be important because it is essential to God. Inconsistency causes confusion, of which God is not the author. Spiritual consistency or faithfulness requires self-discipline and sacrifice. It requires a willingness to hold tightly to the Father—to think, speak, and act in a God-like manner. And regardless of the circumstances, living with a constancy that recognizes our dependency on God and not man.

Believers are to live a faithful life with Jesus Christ. Practicing consistency is essential for several reasons. It can help you find meaning in life. With strong faith, you can find comfort in knowing God’s will is greater than everything. It is also one of the most important things you can do for your spiritual well-being. Regardless of what you are going through, God is in control which can help you feel less anxious and more content. Finally, it can help you connect with God. Making Christ, your priority allows you to feel more connected to him and, ultimately, the world. 

Why is it hard for Christians to be consistent?

It’s hard to be consistent. Whether hitting the gym, writing a book, reading, performing at work or in the field, remaining dedicated can be a struggle. And living for Christ is no exception. So why is it so hard to be consistent? Well, the answer varies from person to person. Still, several common themes include a lack of discipline, misplaced priorities, being easily distracted, feeling stressed or overwhelmed, relying on our emotions, having no accountability, or focusing on the destination rather than the journey. Yes, we all want to make it to heaven. However, the process is also important due to the lessons learned along the way. Life lessons cultivate spiritual maturity, better equip you to deal with life’s trouble, and minister the truth of God’s love. Through life’s beauty and pain, you gain understanding and confidence that helps you become more effective in the kingdom of God. For example, learning how to be disciplined enables you to master the small responsibilities that lead to your larger goals. The Lord wants us to faithfully work at becoming more like him. Our Heavenly Father is the most consistent one we know (see Hebrews 13:8). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

There is no single answer to how to be purposeful in Christian living. However, following consistent principles can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Continue reading for a few tips to help you get started.

Photo by Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Try Goal-setting

One of the most important things you can do to be purposeful in your life is to set goals. Goals are the meaningful things that you wish to accomplish. Instead of just hoping they happen, goal-setting is writing them down and taking steps to achieve them. Goal-setting requires discipline. You can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life by setting goals and working towards them consistently. 

Start a quiet time 

Committing to a morning quiet time is also something you can do to build consistency with God. Quiet time refers to spending a specific period alone with God. Many use this time to read the Bible, pray, meditate on scripture, or even prayer journaling. These distraction-free moments are perfect for learning about God’s word. With consistency, your quiet time becomes as essential as getting up and getting dressed for the day.

Fellowship with other believers

Hebrews 10:25 tells Christians not to give up meeting together. Instead, we should faithfully assemble to encourage and show love to one another. For example, you could start a prayer group or consistently reach out to your brothers and sisters in Christ in their homes. When you struggle with consistency, having someone who will hold you accountable is vital. This person of faith could be a friend or relative. A union like this helps build strong relationships essential for spiritual growth.

Practice gratitude

Another essential principle to follow is to be grateful for what you have. Being thankful for all the good in your life can be a powerful tool when learning to live consistently in Christ. Gratitude honors God; it celebrates his love, reduces stress, and increases your well-being.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Limit worldly things.

Christians are to think about things that are good and worthy of praise. Although, resisting the world’s influence can be pretty tricky. Reassure your heart with the Word and prioritize the things of God. Your thoughts can’t simultaneously be carnal and holy. You must consistently renew your mind to limit the impact of the world, allowing yourself to live a life of faith that is pleasing in the sight of God.

Be intentional

The key to being consistent in Christian living is to operate with intention. Be purposeful and avoid distractions. Every action should have an objective. You must be intentional with your thoughts and actions. Stop and ask yourself, “Why?” If your “why” is out of step with God’s plan, it’s time to adjust your approach.

Don’t give up

It can be tough to keep up with all the challenges in your life, but it’s important to remember that God is always with you. Don’t give in to your emotions—they’re only temporary! Be patient with yourself and forgive your failures. You’re human; it happens. Take baby steps on your journey. Focus on minor improvements. Remember, God will help you stay consistent with your faith when facing challenges.

Photo by Julia M. Cameron/Pexels


To be consistent in your faith, you can follow these principles to help create a more purposeful life. It’s important to remember that consistency is not the same as being tethered to someone else’s opinion. Consistency means you act in a God-pleasing manner every day, no matter what. It also means that you have a strong relationship with God and know who He is, what He wants for you, and how best to live out His will.

The key is to start small and work towards a bigger goal. If you want to live a purposeful life, remember it’s essential to set goals such as committing to a morning quiet time and regularly meeting with other believers. Be grateful for all the good things in your life, resisting the temptation of worldly influences. When you feel like giving up, always remember why God started you on this journey in the first place.

Living by faith equips you with the life God intends for you. Your consistency is not from your strength but from the power of God. He will help you to find a faithful way to live for Him. What steps do you take to remain consistent in your walk with Jesus Christ?



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